I did this last season and had a lot of success thanks to great input from everyone out there...so I'm doing it again.
I've run out of ideas for the time being of Sunday Top 10 foci (I've got some ideas for a little later on in the season, but not right now). So...
I challenge you, the reader, to come up with an idea or a focus for next week's Top 10. Even if your idea is not the one I choose to do next Sunday, it could very well be something done in the coming weeks. I remember last time I did this, I actually used about 3 or 4 of the ideas for future articles.
Anyway, I want to hear/read what you've got! Post a comment with your idea(s) and check back next Sunday to see if I've selected yours!
Hey Brock:
The top 10 players you hate to play against but would love to have on your team.
The top ten leaders or the top ten hardest workers
Sweet, I'm loaded with ideas.
1) top 10 clutch players
2) top 10 shutdown defencemen
3) top 10 divers and fakers
4) top 10 team distractions
5) top 10 body checkers
6) top 10 shootout performers
7) top 10 players who could be traded
8) top 10 "energy" players
9) top 10 checking lines
10) top 10 enigmas
Maybe you'll find something you like in there. You cheated us out of an article this sunday, so make it good. ;)
I have to throw my weight behind Jughead. Some great ideas there, my favourites being 7,8, and 10.
Top 10 players that need a change of senery. Some players are drafted to clubs that are just not the right fit. Like a top goalie going to a team with an NHL drafted goalie, a strong D man that can't crack the line up on one team but would be amazing on another, a checking forward on a team that needs scorers etc. etc. I am always amazed how many players excel after a trade. Josh Bailey was not a star in Owen Sound and then goes to Windsor and we all now that ending. Tyler Besk.... leaves Owen Sound where he saw limited play and now has played in 22 of 24 games for Kingston, Brian Lashoff plays little time with Barrie and is Kingston's captain. Christian Thomas saw 3rd and 4th line ice for London and now is the go to guy in Oshawa. Let's try and predict a current under achiever and see where he ends up.
Top 10 draft-eligible rookie defensemen, Top 10 draft-eligible corner men, Top 10 draft-eligible offensive defensemen, Top 10 draft-eligible defensive defensemen
Great stuff so far guys! Keep it coming!
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